Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The End of Innocents

Man's character is his fate.


Though there must be Choice in the world, there are those, their Life Lines engraved in stoic concrete, people whose courses have been so deeply etched that the waters of Life can have but little choice but to rush in that same direction.

Should one pity or envy? The loss of decision, is that freedom or bondage? To slave under what current thought or to rebel at what one must have as one's predilection?

Whatever the case may be, Everything turns circumspect.


Blogger Unknown said...

wow, I so don't get this. and, suggest ko lang ha, turn word verification ON in your settings to avoid these jologs spam comments.

pero I still don't get this.

7:09 PM  
Blogger The Devil's Little Helper said...

That's me. Convoluted pretentious literary trash. Plus, I happen to like free porn. But thanks for the advice.

Ha ha.

Read jer blog. Very funny. You must be losing your hair. Or about to be.

7:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm more with aristotle , "man's fate is his character", or man is the product of his environment
. discuss.

11:52 AM  
Blogger The Devil's Little Helper said...

Just following a fatalistic thread. I must be showing my catholic roots.


3:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

just read the last two of ur post and it's enough to have an impression that u like to read.

i dont believe in fate because if i do, there would be no such thing as "choice" or "free will"


12:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angel Faces Checks

5:01 PM  

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